Post Officers 2024-2025
Commander Rick McCrum 1st Vice Bruce Dauer 2nd Vice Chris Simpson 3rd Vice Lynn Jennings Adjutant Butch Auchterlonie Finance Officer Jim Taylor Sgt-at-Arms George Hotaling Chaplain Heidi Heidenreich Historian Frank Puettner Service Officer John Terry Trustees (3) Kevin Lynch, Joe Pitre & Phil Hildreth Post General Membership meetings are held the 3rd Thursday each month at 6:00 pm with the exception of June, July & August. Current membership card must be shown.
We send out an email every Monday morning at 7:00 am detailing the events and happening at the Post for the coming week.If you are not getting this email, please send your current email address to: The Legion has the BINGO kitchen duties on the 2nd Wednesday each month. Winter 2025 New York Legion Magazine The American Legion Boys’ State is a one week-long program that immerses rising high school seniors in proper citizenship and leadership training. They learn the practical aspects of government as it exists in New York State, and come to recognize that the individual is integral to the character and success of government. They also participate in physical training, teamwork, as well as other activities under the guidance of American Legion counselors and U.S. Marines.
Congratulations to Christos Banks, from Liverpool High School as Post 787s 2024 Boys State participant. |
Post Commander Rick McCrum
Post Constitution, By-Laws
and House Rules
2024 Membership Report The James Harvey Spire Post 787 remains the largest membership Post in New York State. We currently have 880 paid members for 2024, the highest number of members we have ever had and have exceeded our goal. We have 51 members from 2023 who did not renew their membership for 2024. We had 23 Legion members transfer into our Post and 11 members transfer out. We recruited 66 new members into the Post and sadly 39 members passed away this past year. We had an individual Post goal of 868 which is almost 300 higher than any other Post (832 Posts) in New York and is higher than the goal of 30 entire counties. Congratulations to Phil Hildreth and Joe Pitre for each recruiting three new Legionnaires for 2024 and earning the Department Commander’s Pin and The National Commander’s “Be the One” recruitment pin. The Post will pay their 2025 dues. We have 71 PUFL (paid up for life) members and 54 Honorary Life members. Honorary Life members include all Past Post Commanders, Post 787 members having at least 41 consecutive years as an American Legion member and Post 787 WW II veterans. The Post pays the dues for Honorary Life members. We also have 31 women veteran members. 2024 Members by War Era Branch of Service World War II 19 Army 316 Korea 62 Navy 174 Vietnam 478 Air Force 203 Lebanon/Grenada 69 Marine Corps 86 Panama 15 Coast Guard 6 Gulf War on Terror 81 Unknown 95 Persian Gulf 102 Unknown/Other 54 |
American Legion Riders ALR787
American Legion Riders chapters are well known for their charitable work, which has raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for local children's hospitals, schools, veterans homes, severely wounded service members and scholarships. Since 2006, Riders nationwide have participated in The American Legion Legacy Run to annually raise money for the Legacy Scholarship Fund, established to provide scholarships to children of U.S. military personnel killed since Sept. 11, 2001.
The recent Feed Our Vets Ride resulted in collecting $2177 pounds of food, $8000 in cash donations, $560 in bottle and can collections and a $250 gift card donated. Thanks to all.
There is no better cause.